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The centre of your Retro Gaming Universe!

Dec 1, 2012

  1. MAGFest 2013 - (00:00)
  2. It Came From MAME - (15:43)
  3. Guinness Gaming Records - (35:34)
  4. Animal (The British IBM) - (37:46)
  5. Chris Wilkins Interview - (41:01)
  6. The Great And Powerful Oz - (72:05)
  7. Top Ten Retro Ad Campaigns - (72:35)
  8. Gaming Trivia - (167:09)
  9. Hardware Flashback - (167:35)
  10. Auction Talk - (218:27)
  11. Live News And Listener Views - (225:39)
  12. Planet MULE Theme Tune - (369:06)
  13. URLs And EMails - (373:42)